Monday, June 7, 2010

Ask A Stupid Question...

I couldn't let this one wait.  Alyssa was being a little challenging just after I got home tonight.  She was climbing and bouncing on the furniture, I told her to stop, she stopped, then she immediately headed back to do it again.  I said, "No!"  She ignored me and started climbing up again.  I said, "Alyssa, NO!"  She stopped for a second then started again.  I said, "Stop it, right now!  What part of 'no' do you have trouble understanding?"  She got down from the furniture, looked at me, smiled, and said, "Hmmmm, 'n.'"  I was flabbergasted.  I said, "What?"  "'N.'  'Nuh.'"  Then she smiled at me and walked away.

How do you respond to that kind of quick thinking from a five year old?

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