Friday, June 4, 2010

Daddy's own little interpreter.

A quick one today, just to keep adding...

We were in one of our favorite stores last weekend, Target, to let the kids pick some toys to buy with the gift cards they got for their birthdays.  Laura was a little frazzled; we had a number of stops to make and a short time to do it all, thanks to circumstances, so she was adamant that we were doing the things we needed to, and we would not be deviating from the list.

As I'm wont to do, I noticed some DVDs on sale and wandered over to take a look, carrying a tired Alyssa with me.  Laura, at the register trying to check out, tried to get my attention, which I missed entirely while I was off in my own little world.  Thanks to Alyssa hearing Laura and prodding me, I finally heard Laura asking, "What are you doing?"  I answered, almost as if I were being reasonable, "There are some movies on sale for less than five bucks over here, I thought I'd see if there was anything we might need."

Now, I can't blame Laura for the exasperated look I got back.  I knew we were trying to get done and go, and I know I tend to wander sometimes, so I earned it, and I responded quickly by getting back on task.  Apparently, though, that wasn't enough for Alyssa, who immediately had to tell me, "Daddy, that is so not going to happen." 

Thanks for the interpretation, Lyss.


  1. Why don't I remember this?

  2. Assuming Anonymous here is Laura, probably because you were about done in by then. It was right before you sent me back to find out whether Target had charged Alyssa wrong for her Tinkerbell toy.
